Wednesday, February 01, 2006

2005 Thursday: 24th February 6:20pm

Going to go to the comedy club again this week. See whats happening as regards comedy. As my confidence builds I’ve started thinking maybe I could try and get on the bill on the Thursday of the week we’re doing open mic. It’d be a better conclusion to things than this thing in Preston. As it looks at the moment it could well be a decreasing audience size through the week.

Need to do this self-talk business pretty soon. Might get cracking on it tonight. Here’s a few of the messages I’m going to hammer into my sub-conscious: “I’m a confident person” , “I enjoy talking in front of large groups of people”, “I have a great memory”, “I’m very organised these days”, “I will perform my comedy flawlessly leaving the correct spaces for laughs” “I’m loosing weight and will soon be 13.5 stone”. They’re the sort of things I want to get lodged in there. Need to record it onto a mini-disc, or even better get it onto a CD and loop the fu-ker so it’s 80 minutes of it. If it works happy days. If not, no harm done.

Jolly good.