The lesson I have learned, I’ve just pieced it together today, is that your state of mind is crucial to this comedy lark. I’ve clearly over the last few days lost faith in my material and my ability a bit. The material itself hasn’t changed at all over this period but my attitude has. I allowed myself to be a bit disheartened by Ben’s reaction to it and then allowed myself a bit more negativity throughout the week. I’d already decided it was good enough to get laughs and be performed but my mindset changed and we’re in trouble.
Therefore I need to work as hard as I can to keep a positive mindset throughout this whole experience. Makes sense. If I wanna make people laugh it’ll work better if I’m in a good mood when I get on stage and in the run up to it. This hobby, at its best, is a pleasant escape from the tedium of the real world. I’m making it into a hassle. I’m getting too fixated on it and so turning it into a chore. It doesn’t have to be. Hence my plan is to try and really learn and put into practice this lesson I’ve learned about the importance of mindset.
I’m now off to drink a few beers, have a smoke and re-write my stand-up!