Thursday, February 02, 2006

Friday: February 25th 5:50

Did I do that self talk tape? Did I fu#k. I just farted about after the show. Flicked through a few websites and talked to James a bit. Rubbish!

However it’s been a good day as regards the stand-up. Firstly I recited the whole thing to Matt Mackay without much of a problem. I also performed the first bit of it on air and got laughs from the visible audience of the security guard and Steve the producer and the caller who was on at the time. It felt good performing it to a new audience who haven’t heard it. I think I’ll get laughs on stage. I really do. I started off being positive because I knew I’d need to be if I was going to pull this off. Now I just feel genuinely positive about it.

Went to the Lescar and watched Toby Foster and some other bloke who plays a part in Phoenix nights. He plays the part of Kenny Senior. He was very funny. Toby was on fine form as well. Also, they had a camera crew in from Channel 4.

I always feel good after no-topic night. It was a great show as always and we were jammed for calls. That show sometimes has a life of its own. Tonight was one of those nights.