Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wednesday February 24th 3:33am

Comedy preparation today has been a little overlooked. I got up late and then went with Matt to get his hair cut. I think I’m going to have mine done soon only I’d like to get these PR shots done first then get it all taken off. It’s really long and my beard looks scruffy as well. I want to change my look. Perhaps I’ll do it tomorrow. F##k the PR shots, I’ve gone off the idea. Dunno. Not sure at all.

As regards memorising the set I’ve cut the set list down to seven points… buddism, philosophy, women, restaurant, funeral, battersley, kids. Just took time out to see if I could perform the set to my bedroom ceiling using only my set list. I can. Almost… few minor errors but I think with a couple more serious practice sessions I’ll be ready to start pre-performing it with a pretend mic and stuff. I want to seem as if I’ve been doing it for years when I finally hit the stage.

Looking back over yesterday’s entry and I forgot to mention that last night I found a website address where there’s a recording of Rob Deb doing stand-up comedy. Whose Rob Deb? He was a bloke we knew years ago who we'd rib because he wanted to do stand-up comedy. Well he’s there on this video clip doing it and he fucking rocks! He’s getting the laughs and his delivery is nice. I want to get in touch with him but there’s no contact details. Ruined. Maybe we should try and get him up to Sheffield to do the Lescar. The clip was of him towards the end of last year. There’s a fair few mentions of his name on the net, he’s obviously still at it.