Tuesday, February 21, 2006

March 16, Wednesday 2005

A depressing end to the day. Right, I’ll start from the beginning. Firstly I woke up and pottered about as usual. Matt came back so I made myself a nice breakfast and ate with him. Then he went back to work and I carried on pottering about. We went to the gym together around 6pm did some exercise and listened back to my stand-up material. I think that went quite well. I feel like I can recite the material to a fairly high degree of accuracy at the moment. Went into work after preparing here and re-viewing Nathan Barley on video with Matt. It’s quite good as a sitcom but mainly because it’s got Chris Morris’ name on it.

Then when I came in to work I discovered we'd recieved a serious complaint. Frankly the most depressing news I've recieved for a while.

So, onto the comedy. I think I can recite it fairly accurately and tomorrow I intend to perform it a few times in the front room. Me and James are going to the gym around 3.30pm tomorrow and I’ll do some more rote learning. Just realised I’ve left my mini disc in the car. Best go and get it out now so I can drift off to sleep with it playing in my ears.